Being automotive key replacement specialists, we are able to reset and program keys to almost all immobiliser ECU systems fitted to cars, trucks and motorcycles when all keys are lost, which can be a major benefit to owners of late model Toyota, Subaru, Volkswagen, BMW and motorcycle owners because it can save you thousands of dollars and have you back on the road the same day.
On some vehicles key programming via the OBD port is not possible or may be just too difficult because of the need for immobiliser security codes or transponder precoding information. Instead we are able to remove the engine ECU or immobiliser from the vehicle and carry out a reset procedure, which allows us to successfully program in keys.
In some cases a EEPROM or MCU may be read for the sole purpose to extract the PIN so that keys can be programmed diagnostically. This service is very specialised and involves the reading and/or removal of the EEPROM or MCU and should only be carried out by an experienced automotive locksmith. Failing to do so, could result in the corruption or loss of data on the memory device and in some cases physical damage to the device which may be irreparable.
At Instant Locksmiths we take pride in our work and provide a full guarantee on our workmanship